
Series LCAT

Sine filter and three-phase transformer

Series LCAT

Sine filter and three-phase transformer

Sine filter and three-phase step-up transformer 360V to 400V integrated in IP20 enclosure. Designed to compensate for the voltage drop in the cable when there is a long distance between the frequency inverter and the motor.


  • Regulation tap +5% of the output voltage.
  • Magnetic core made of low-loss, high-permeability magnetic sheet.
  • Non-impregnated self-regenerating capacitor, with metallised polypropylene dielectric.
  • Vacuum impregnation and oven drying in epoxy varnish with high binding power to reduce noise and vibrations.
  • High protection against external agents such as humidity, dust and corrosion.


Power 7,5 ÷ 220 kW
Power 10 ÷ 300 CV
Rated Current 20 ÷ 500 A
PRI Voltage 360V
SEC Voltage 400V
Converter Voltage 400V
Frequency 45 ÷ 65 Hz
Output Switch Frequency 3 ÷ 8 kHz
Voltage Distortion <5% THDu
Thermic Class H (180 ºC)
Transient overload 1.5 Iₙ 1 min per hour
Ambient Temperature 50 ºC
Regulations IEC/UNE-EN 60076-6
IEC/UNE-EN 61439-1

Quality Seals

Marcado CE



  • Recommended for long cable distances between inverter and motor with cable voltage drop up to 40V.
  • Air treatment systems in ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Water pumping.

Technical data references



* TORYTRANS reserves the right to modify the information in any time and without prior notice. Design, dimensions or weight of the product could be different.

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