
Series TMT

Single-phase - three-phase transformer

Series TMT

Single-phase - three-phase transformer

Single-phase to three-phase converter capable of transforming single-phase 230V alternating current into three-phase 400V alternating current.

TMT series with autotransformer without neutral and output voltage 3x400V. Suitable for machines without input neutral.

TMTA Series with galvanic isolation transformer and output voltage 3x400V+Neutral. Suitable for any type of equipment or machine with input neutral.


  • Electronic converter and inductive booster.
  • Allows the supply of three-phase loads in single-phase networks.
  • Built-in circuit breaker protection at the input.
  • Thermal protection of the electronic converter against overtemperature and overload.
  • Electrical connections inside the cabinet eliminates the risk of accidental electrical contact.


Frequency 50/60 Hz
Ambient Temperature 30 ºC
Power 2 ÷ 10 CV
Power 0,75 ÷ 7,5 kW
Input Voltage 230 V (Monofásica)
Output Voltage 3 x 400 V (Trifásica)
Regulations IEC/UNE-EN 61558-1
IEC/UNE-EN 61558-2-20
IEC/UNE-EN 61439-1
IEC/UNE-EN 61558-2-13

Quality Seals

Marcado CE



Power supply for professional machinery with three-phase motors such as: circular and band saws, sanding machines, planers, shears, polishing and buffing machines, etc.

Power supply for testing and validation of three-phase 400V machines in single-phase 230V installations.

Technical data references


Dimensions Trafo

Dimensions Autotrafo

* TORYTRANS reserves the right to modify the information in any time and without prior notice. Design, dimensions or weight of the product could be different.

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