
Series SN

Single-phase automatic voltage stabiliser

Series SN

Single-phase automatic voltage stabiliser

Single-phase voltage stabiliser for fast and automatic correction of the output voltage in the event of mains voltage variations and load consumption variations.


  • Continuous regulation by serial booster between input/output and motorised variable autotransformer.
  • High resolution digital controller.
  • Display for output voltage visualisation.
  • Magneto-thermal ON/OFF switch on the front panel.
  • Terminal connection inside to protect against dangerous direct contacts.


Power 1 ÷ 60 kVA
Input Voltage 230 V
Input Margin ± 15%
Output Voltage 230 V
Output Accuracy ± 1%
Response time ≈ 20 V/s
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Ambient Temperature 30 ºC
Service Continuo
Harmonic Distortion Null
Efficiency >95%
Regulations IEC/UNE-EN 61439-1
IEC/UNE-EN 61558-1
IEC/UNE-EN 60076-11

Quality Seals

Marcado CE



  • Data centres and processing.
  • Telecommunications and broadcasting
  • Hospitals and medical centres.
  • Offices, hotels and shops.
  • Industrial machinery, motors, robots, lasers.
  • Sensitive electrical or electronic equipment

Technical data references



* TORYTRANS reserves the right to modify the information in any time and without prior notice. Design, dimensions or weight of the product could be different.

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