
Developing and testing Kalinix for the treatment of apnea

In recent years, Torytrans has promoted the building of a multidisciplinary team, made up of renowned doctors and an experienced group of engineers, which has developed an innovative technology for the treatment of sleep apnea (OSA).

This new technology has been incorporated into Kalinix, a family of electro-medical devices that are ergonomic, intelligent, self-adaptive, non-invasive and do not require any surgical intervention. Kalinix thus offers an effective alternative to current apnea treatments, offering new solutions to patients' sleep problems.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Kalinix device, a total of 3 clinical trials have been conducted, all of them authorized by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

In these trials the device has been tested with 144 patients, having its corresponding statistical study carried out by qualified personnel and advised by CROs, ensuring the correct "n" of patients at all times.

The equipment design has been carried out by Biomedical Engineers from Torytrans team, with assessment in clinical studies by prestigious multidisciplinary specialists, including the Pneumology Unit of the Hospital Clinico San Carlos and professionals such as Dr. Ernesto Delgado Cidranes (specialist in 5D Ultrasound), among others.

The project has been mostly funded by private sector and supported by three CDTI projects, with a 10-year term and protected by 2 international patents.

We are currently in the process of obtaining the CE Marking for Medical Devices, which we expect to be completed within this year 2022.

For any questions or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Torytrans and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

(*) Any kind of information about technical data or performance of our equipment will be always supported by the appropriate Confidentiality Agreement.

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